One of if not the most unique coffee tastes in the world. A rich bouquet of leaves, flowers and spices that yields to repeated questioning only by offering new scents in ever-increasing complexity – from mint, dried tobacco, and cumin, to spicy wood and leaves right after a rain. The taste is likewise complex and surprising, with a silky mouthfeel, soft acidity, and hints of thyme, rosemary, lemon zest, raisin, yoghurt, and a bit of plum.
Intem No.: 05005
Area: Indonesia
Weight: 250
Roasted Degree: Moderate baking
Price: ¥300.00
In Indonesian "Kopi" means coffee, and "Luwak" is a common name for the Indonesian Palm Civet. Traditionally, coffee cherries are processed by either the "wet" or "dry" methods to remove the layers of peel, pulp and skin that protect the coffee beans. Kopi Luwak relies instead on the natural fermentation of the Luwak's digestive system to produce the effect of a formal de-pulping process.