Arabica Coffee Roasters - Youdai All That Jazz Since 2005
Youdai All That Jazz Since 2005
Arabica Coffee Roasters - Guangzhou Hilton Doubletree summer chocolate & coffee event a success
This May, 2015, Arabica Coffee Roasters worked with the Hilton Double Tree in Guangzhou to create a unique coffee & chocolate experience for the Double Tree Guangzhou’s guests. The goal was to launch the “coffee and chocolate set” for the hot summer months in Guangzhou to increase sales in the Double Tree’s Lobby Lounge. We took advantage of the Food & Wine Experience event, and held a one time coffee and chocolate tasting for local Media and for Hilton VIP guests. The turnout was excellent. We had expected to get 20-30 people, but had almost 70 by the time the event was in full swing.
Spring Coffee Drinks From Arabica Roasters
Around the World with Single-Origin Coffees