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  • Healthy Living - Sources of caffeine2015-01-22

    Tag:Healthy Living

    The average caffeine content (mg)
    The difference between the amount of caffeine intake by drinking a lot of different drinks, depending on the concentration and amount of drinking and other beverages. Given here are average caffeine content directory per common beverage.
    Sources of caffeine - coffee and health
    Caffeine - Truth
    60 variety of plant species naturally contains caffeine, which has a relatively well-known coffee beans, cocoa beans, kola nuts and tea. In addition, some soft drinks, food and medicines will also add caffeine.
     For the human central nervous system, a mild stimulant caffeine plays a role.
     adequate intake of caffeine is very helpful to improve the dual human physical and mental endurance. Scientific research has shown lifetime intake may reduce the risk of suffering from neuropathy caffeine, such as age-related cognitive decline, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease.
     studies show that coffee intake was not found because the right amount of caffeine cardiovascular function will bring significant negative effect of caffeine intake is not a major cause of dehydration, gastrointestinal function for bone health and also no great affected.
     usual daily caffeine intake of about 400 milligrams, through any channel can be, can be regarded as a healthy balanced diet, some active lifestyle, which is approximately equivalent to 5 cups (regular size) coffee content.
     intake during pregnancy and breast-feeding women may reduce the discretion to 200-300 mg per day.
     caffeine does not belong to drug dependence. EEG technology show has nothing to do with caffeine dependence of brain circuits. People do not need to stimulate the effect of caffeine is the best proof of the fact that endurance training.
     Recently, the American Psychological Association officially recognized caffeine withdrawal is a syndrome, the disease affected a subset of caffeine users, it is due to people in a long time suddenly stop the intake of caffeine daily or caused by a sudden drop in intake. Symptoms of the disorder is life shortening. However, if a gradual reduction in caffeine intake, then the consequences are completely avoidable.

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