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  • Coffee At Your Side - Coffee monthly newsletter section 862015-01-04

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    Coffee At Your Side - Coffee monthly newsletter section 86

    Since 1965, Brazil's coffee production will be the first time for three consecutive cuts
    Brazil, the world's leading coffee-producing countries, with the end of the harvest by the end of September, according to the investigation report of the National Commission of coffee, you can see its production fell by 18 percent, only 40.1 million bags. Experts also predict that coffee growers can deliver in 2015 may be less than 40 million bags, which may be nearly 30 years production fell the most in a year. Global coffee production deficit is likely to continue until 2016, because Brazil represents almost 36% of global coffee production. Low production and high consumption of 10 million bags could cause global demand gap.
    Brazilian coffee stocks have been depleted
    After a severe drought recently, the Brazilian coffee stocks drastically reduced and it is difficult to accumulate stocks of coffee in the coming years. Compared to the 2014 production data may be less than 45 million bags, the Brazilian is expected to take 53 to 55 million this year, bags of coffee for export and domestic consumption. March 31 the government estimated that 16 million bags of inventory, just to fill the demand gap this year, and the rest will be used for a small amount of coffee to make up for production in 2015 will not be much in demand.
    Coffee consumption in Brazil is about to surpass the United States
    Euromonitor International, a recent survey shows that in 2014, Brazil's domestic coffee consumption is close to 100 million tons, equivalent to 20.8 million bags of green beans, this data is very close to the world's largest coffee consuming countries - the United States consumption. Coffee Coffee Roasters Association (ABIC) confirms this data and based on its own research suggests another trend: the local consumers are pursuing high-quality coffee. Brazilian coffee consumption per year and 2% -3% growth rate, while the annual growth rate of specialty coffee is 15%.
    Fruit moth is still troubled by the problem of growers
    As a means to combat fruit moth, the Brazilian Ministry of Agriculture has approved the production of pesticide active ingredients imported Ciantraniliprole, but the state of Minas Gerais for temporary emergency use. However, the concern is that these materials can not be shipped to Brazil in time to pesticide production and use in January and February next year, when most needed. 2015 can be expected annual loss is: fresh fruit moth damage caused + drought losses.
    25 circles coffee certification programs purity anniversary
    Brazil Baking Association (ABIC) is celebrating the 25th anniversary of the coffee sector purity certification program, the new goal is to collect and analyze samples of coffee every year 3500. The certification was established in 1989, is a pioneer in the food and beverage industry certification and self-regulation of the project. By the Specialty Coffee Association members and non-members of the brand roasted coffee samples from unrelated auditors regularly collected from retail stores, and purity analysis by an accredited laboratory. There are currently 459 Coffee Company (1,148 brand) joined the purity of the certification program. The certification program is an offshoot of that in the 25 years leading the Brazilian domestic coffee consumption from 6.4 million bags to 21 million bags of large projects. During this time, the annual per capita coffee consumption grew from 2kg to 6kg. P & A Reference ABIC (Brazilian Institute of Baking) certified purity methodology similar experiences in other countries and promote the experience and behind the establishment of a step by step guide as to promote the International Coffee Organization (ICO) under the name of coffee consumption in coffee producing countries. After the recommended P & A application guidelines and tips to locate their project creation, and thus promote coffee consumption in India, Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador and Colombia. In Colombia coffee consumption continued to decline after many years of project operation Thomas cafe coffee consumption contributed to its growth.
    Coffee Research Institute 15 years
    Founded in 1999 and integrated coffee Research Association name has more than 800 researchers and research structures, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation has spent over 1,000 research projects to support the development of the Association. Research Association led numerous projects, our most prominent research is genetically modified, which caused chromosome decoding coffee, coffee genetic engineering currently have about coffee tree planting and developing mechanisms 200,000 DNA series and 30000 have been identified in genome. Arabica and Robusta dozens of varieties, including the recent launch of Diamante Incaper 8112, Jequitibá Incaper 8122 and Centenária Incaper 8132 (first mentioned in 85 monthly) are the research results of the study association.
    Brazil Specialty Coffee Association of becoming party certification Q-Grader
    Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) to consolidate the partnership with the American Society for Quality Coffee (CQI) and have been able to provide Q-Grader training and certification in Brazil. Q-Grader's purpose is to be able to authenticate those specialty coffee evaluated according to international standards of professional tasters. From now on, Brazil Specialty Coffee Association of becoming Brazil receive, compile and send a report to the American Society for Quality Coffee (CQI) of the main body, and ready to accept the Q-Grader coffee taster preparations
    New on the market single-cup coffee machine
    Brastemp, a subsidiary of Whirlpool, in Sao Paulo August 26 launch of its first named B.blend single cup coffee maker. This innovative machine can produce 10 different types of beverages, such as coffee, juice, tea and soft drinks, all of which are ready to drink beverages, without prior heating or cooling. Consumers can order online or App B.blend capsule machine, although delivery times are still under discussion, but the company is expected arrival time in the big city is 48 hours. Single-cup coffee market in Brazil from 2012 to 2013 increased by 46.5%. B.blend Whirlpool Corporation is the result of four years of research and development, and its time to market planned for the end of 2014.
    Coffee attract travelers Attractions
    For visiting Brazil and interested visitors to learn more about coffee, you can have a lot of good choices, such as the road to the north of coffee Parana, and Santos coffee museum. Coffee Route 9 municipalities of 34 attractions, including the historic coffee farms, museums and other landmarks. 5 until August of each year, visitors can also participate in the coffee harvest among which most foreigners will be an unforgettable memory. For more information, please visit www.rotadocafe.tur, website languages are English and Spanish. Coffee Museum, was built in 1922, grand architecture, served as the coffee market place presence, was the coffee to bring a symbol of wealth. Here a month to receive 20,000 tourists. The museum organized a permanent exhibition of pictures, objects and the way literature demonstrates the evolution of the Brazilian coffee culture contribute to the development process and coffee culture to other countries. If you are interested in exploring the journey of these two places and other attractions, please contact TravelBox (
    Presidential election and coffee supplies and prices
    It is a known fact: Brazilian coffee can shake the market price, because Brazil is the world's largest coffee producer. This year, analysts pay close attention to every Brazilian coffee producing areas of climatic conditions, in order to assess their impact on next year's production is likely to cause. Because Brazil played in the coffee price formation in such an important role, it is worth investigating some Brazilian domestic events, such as the presidential election will affect the global coffee market.
    This correlation in the local stock market is very straightforward. Presidential elections will be held in October. Since June this year, and every time the opposition showed little chance of victory poll have a positive impact on the price of the stock market. Now the former Environment Minister Marina Silva is already the opposition camp, the name of a recent survey in a leading position. Thing is very clear: the market believes the company's best long-term returns above the Labour Party (PT) lost the election.
    The chart below shows that: in the name of the survey released on or before the index of profit, a total of 10 times in the name of the investigation since June.
    Since June 2014 the Brazilian stock chart brown vertical lines indicate the name of the survey released the same day
    Since June 2014 the New York ICE futures chart brown vertical bars represent public opinion survey released today
    For coffee market, this correlation does not exist, or random. The chart below shows that: opinion polls published before, 10 times out of seven coffee prices. But in the opinion polls released the same day, coffee prices rose five times, while the stock market is concerned, there are eight times.
    But this lack of correlation of view there is a problem, we note two recent public opinion polls show that the likelihood of Marina Silva was elected in large, coffee prices rose significantly. For the last poll, price changes only be felt in the fateful day US Labor Day (first Monday in September) after. Because Marina and the Ministry of Agriculture has been controversial environmental issues, so this price changes may portend the market worried about the future of Brazilian coffee supplies might be government intervention or regulation by the curb.
    These are just a small sample of data, but many opinion polls to be announced in September to verify this hypothesis. In particular, I hope this is more of a coincidence, because in my opinion some of the following factors can explain the political and coffee supply and lack of correlation between price:
    - Regardless of the political agenda of local governments, Brazil returned to the good performance of the agricultural history and tremendous productivity gains.
    - Coffee market and public goods price formation is short-sighted, short-term. The current yield, yield next year, the current consumption of inventory changes and are more important factors, rather than the collapse of the political changes in the local government style of politics may have an indirect effect on the supply, and the impact will be in long-term.
    - Circumstances specific to Marina Silva, the environment and sustainability agenda is not expected to affect the supply of Brazilian coffee. The reason is that Brazilian coffee and processing are considered low environmental impact industries. We still have enough profit to expand productivity and improve the yield potential of many new areas, without affecting native vegetation communities or indigenous peoples threatened.
    Sustainable and efficient bulk container loader
    CPC Pinhalense air conveyor systems for bulk coffee container loading has become the world's most advanced equipment. It is no exaggeration to say that the amount of raw beans is now boxed CPC system has more than any other competitor's equipment. It can become an industry leader for many reasons.
    First and most important is efficiency: CPC with 350 bags / 60kg (21 tonnes) of raw beans to fill a 20-foot container in less than 20 minutes, compared to most other equipment you need at least 2 times the time, approximately 40 minutes. In addition, not all machines on the market can go within 20 feet container filled with 21 tons of raw beans.
    CPC loading beans is zero leakage, which means it has a better quantitative transfer capabilities and installed without cleaning up leaks and beans, obviously, which saves labor and time. Seems addition, it relates to the financial and profitable reason, when people realize that to be responsible for the leak of beans, exporters usually load more than the actual amount of coffee beans to sell in order to avoid customer complaints.
    Fans and height-adjustable spout shape CPC beans are specially designed so as not to damage the beans - in fact simply will not happen. Fan is equipped by a cyclone-driven dust cover, the separator can be delivered on and off in accordance with the provisions of the contract and cleanliness classes to be loaded raw beans, exporters and importers of demand as well as for strategies to ensure weight selection.
    Loading efficiency by rotating tower structure CPC to ensure that this structure allows the machine body rotating around it and make the beans outlet pipe filled almost instantaneously from one cabinet to another at 90 ° or 180 ° direction empty cabinet to be installed. Downtime container transfer between very short, coupled with efficient equipment layout and a good truck container logistics CPC will be able to ensure the completion of three containers loaded within an hour.
    Last but not least important, let's answer the problem of energy and labor costs. High-performance, low-power high-capacity fan makes CPC processing packing machines on the market to become the lowest energy consumption required per ton of coffee machines. This rising concern scarce resources today means lower electricity costs in global energy prices. At the same time, the demand for labor costs are the lowest on the market, because the operation by a single worker CPC equipment to complete his work while also monitoring the operation of mechanical control.
    In summary, when the introduction of the correct NPV and ROI calculations, CPC price is unparalleled in. Since CPC efficient rate makes it economically sustainable, then its position in sustainable environmental and social pillars of what?
    CPC requires very little energy to operate, thus saving scarce resources. It cyclone ensure a dust-free working environment, height-adjustable spout eliminates operating spout packing scenarios operator manually. Competitors' technology "often require workers to operate not only to direct the discharge port, so that the dust storm drain and physical risk, but also standing on the moveable inlet of narrow, falls and accidents increased high risk. Human-powered mobile workers standing hopper and blower on top, cabinet mounted on the bottom ... this is not common. CPC blower designed to meet the various countries of labor and environmental laws and regulations, including those that require particularly strict national regulations and highly responsible business practices. Pinhalense of large quantities of sustainable container loader follow three pillars: economic, social and environmental.

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