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  • Coffee At Your Side - About Barista Job2014-09-12

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    Coffee At Your Side - About Barista Job
    All along, there are many of my friends ask me about the things candidates barista profession, in this, I would like to organize some of my perceived, and some advice to these friends, I hope you are looking for some help on professional barista. Of course, I do not want to say too much today about the monotony of the character and attitude, but from my point of view, specifically what we should have. 
    Learning ability 
    Barista profession is not special. In essence, still a work service industry. Good customer service, produced qualified and completed in accordance with the requirements of various types of items store it. Of course, it also has special side, because the coffee taste is subjective, and requires a certain theoretical foundation and technical skills. Especially the latter, often for new entrants to the friends, think it is a higher threshold, but in fact, in my cognitive level technology, or I opened a coffee shop, at least not the most important. But rather learning methods and your passion for some of the more important things. The former, for a not very focused on the quality of the shop, the simple words, you are not smart? There are requirements for quality control, that is, you will not be thinking. In particular, there is a considerable requirement for a coffee cafes, many of the traditional techniques of early barista school is not to overthrow, but the face of rapidly changing technologies and concepts, know how to think is more important. The interest is to keep the key to your long-term thinking. And if things keep this enthusiasm often affect your attitude towards customers. 
    Service awareness 
    For the coffee shop, the service awareness with in restaurants, teahouses no essential difference. In addition to doing their own coffee, the corresponding clean, and guests exchanges seem extra important. In a sense, it is impossible to teach. In my early training in several stores, I'm not willing to elaborate, to say hello to their customers smiling. Because this is a basic attitude of professionalism and interpersonal skills. In fact, during the early stages of training so I am more surprised that a lot of barista coffee full of passion, but customers often can not communicate no exchanges. 
    Some baristas vowed, and I said, wages not important, as long as I have a learning platform can be. But in fact this statement is equivalent to the coffee shop business has nothing to do with my life and death, the boss gave me exercises beans and milk enough? See if this face interview barista, the boss would be willing to use it? 
    I was trained in a coffee shop, I come into contact with, whether new employees and old employees, had to have a few days on duty outfield customer service. On the one hand, the exchange of the outstanding barista in a more accurate expression of product characteristics, so that customers could hear clear; hand, for any employee, service is not a point, but a face, whether qualified new and old can do it, for coffee shop, is also able to promote unity morale! 
    I also heard a lot of cafe owner has this feeling: barista new technology is good, but too unimaginative. The so-called unimaginative refers brains do not understand things, but not willing to communicate with people. 
    The expected value of the exchange 
    I believe that I'm talking about the candidates barista, coffee produced more talk about is the core of the coffee shop. There is an open topic, but many people are reluctant to directly face is that whenever I wanted to learn to make coffee holding wishes to apply for jobs barista who ultimately want to have a coffee shop own people, that does not matter, you need to start doing barista start learning. But this time, you may worry that the ultimate goal of his own and a coffee shop owner said, the boss felt his shop will become a springboard. 
    In fact, the problem for the coffee shop, the well aware, it is also a paradox. This is related to "the general needs good soldiers, but good soldiers also want the generals," the same reason. 
    Faced with this problem as long as clarify two concepts 
    Problem 1 loyalty 
    Loyalty is not what we think of life in a place to work, but at this time, employees do their duty, then the employee is loyal. 
    2 independent coffee shops cooperation than competition 
    I still do not believe that even America's intelligentsia (intellectuals) to Shanghai's Jing'an District, opened a coffee shop, seesaw, coffee groupies business will be significantly affected, but rather accelerated the vicinity consumer awareness of coffee, and learn from each other , healthy competition, and to improve the operation of many levels. Believe me, even if the intelligentsia is not necessarily always act as a teacher, and can be 5-digit turnover from the date of Starbucks share more soup. 
    In view of the above two points, I think, the most basic tests, the expected value can contact each other in the early, let the boss assured that employees can be more at ease. 
    Professionalism is not here speaking skills. But I hope any friends in this industry to be very clear and conscientious in this post today, in addition to interest, responsibility is very important. Everything like coffee, coffee does not mean you necessarily like it. Some things need to do, they can not all be placed on personal responsibility. Once the situation may appear, barista whether to do it, which is closely related with professionalism. 
    For me personally, I can not see a barista, a station attendant did not stop all day, like, next to the wall, his hands in his apron pocket doing nothing. But these are not written in the rules and regulations, but these personal habits, and my early group companies, five minutes before the interview can be seen, this man's character, as well as whether he has relevant work experience (not necessarily do coffee). 
    Also, I often encounter the situation that you want to apply for a friend today, the employer see is your skills, your accomplishment bring value to give this store. Therefore, when you can not wait to tell them, even if I do not pay wages, along the way, please asylum, my advice is: do not need so cheap, it would be better this passion into a power generating value you deserve to earn a remuneration. 
    Finally, I want to remind our friends. Any workplace are nothing too obvious shortcut. Earth is most important. Whether it is an acquaintance, or a friend, as familiar and relationships while ignoring their own to bring value, which is familiar to you irresponsible; turn, always rely on finding a job through an acquaintance, not just delay time, or you grow.


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