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  • Coffee At Your Side - Coffee monthly newsletter section 842014-08-29

    Tag:Coffee At Your Side

    Coffee At Your Side - Coffee monthly newsletter section 84
    Drought also affected the irrigation district 
    Drought and even affect the irrigation of coffee in southern Minas. High temperature and drought at the beginning of the soil from evaporation and transpiration of plants both exacerbated the water loss. But the loss did not like the non-irrigated area so serious. Salinas area yield loss Alfie Ipanema coffee farms registered for 15% -20%, and the total amount of coffee beans (13 mesh and 14 mesh) of small particles to be higher than expected. Nearly 40 percent of Ipanema coffee growing areas are irrigated coffee. Researchers Procafé Foundation recently investigated throughout the coffee growing areas in Brazil, he pointed out: a lot of coffee beans growing areas not more than 17 projects, while under normal circumstances, the production of these coffee crop, the number of beans more than 17 orders should account for 15% of the total.
    Connie Long increase production of Espirito Santo 
    Espirito Santo Coney Long harvest has ended, the output will be higher than last year. Incaper Institute is responsible for the promotion of agricultural research and rural estimates: the state Connie dragon production will reach 9.5 million bags, compared to 15 percent increase in 2013. Despite the high-quality coffee growers are so happy, but the current price of coffee was disappointing - the average price of 222 reais per bag ($ 101), while in 2013 the price is 240 reais ($ 109 ) - this is not a good price.
    Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) recommended a Brazilian specialty coffee to international buyers during the World Cup 
    In order to grasp the opportunity to FIFA World Cup held in Brazil, as the "World Cup project," the sub-item, the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Apex led the 2300 buyers from 104 countries, investors, decision-makers visited the country customers and watched the football game. Brazil Specialty Coffee Association (BSCA) led by foreign buyers visited coffee farms and processing plants, in order to improve the quality and sustainability of the Brazilian coffee industry chain. In the field visit, also conducted a roundtable discussion and cup technology products and a series of activities.

    Coffee seeds and seedlings is low sales of the year 
    Although the recent recovery in coffee prices, coffee growers for reclamation farm investment is still very cautious. According to some sources said, part of the seed market price of Brazilian coffee growing region has fallen by 25%; Some people say that seed prices fell more. Growers still make up old debts, do not want coffee farm reclamation, due to the high cost (in some cases, the cost of up to 10,000 reais, or $ 4,550 / ha) and will lead to production stoppages. Procafé Foundation in many rural areas of seed sales show: 2014 seed needs less than 200kg, while the previous year's average demand is 2,000kg.
    Credit issued for working capital 
    National Monetary Council (CMN) recently approved a 900 million reais ($ 409 million) of Funcafé budget quota for working capital loans to support the Brazilian coffee cooperatives, roasted and instant powder industry. This fund loan interest rate is 7.5% / year, since July 1, 2014 to take effect. Among them, 400 million reais ($ 182 million) for cooperatives, 300 million reais ($ 136 million) for the baking industry, 200 million reais ($ 91 million) for instant powder industry. 
    The new fungus can protect coffee quality 
    The new fungus called Cladosporium cladosporioides was discovered, this discovery is Minas Gerais agriculture and animal husbandry, Musharraf Las Federal University (UFLA) partners, as well as by the Coffee Research Institute / Department of Embrapa Coffee coordination --Epamig 20 years of research. Can prevent the characteristics of the fungus on the quality of coffee other propagating harmful fungi. This finding leads to a biotech product, its patent is Epamig and UFLA get, they are looking for collaborators traditional pesticide industry and trade sectors to this new product supply growers.

    Minas Gerais is testing new varieties 
    By one of the members of the Association for the Study of Procafé-- coffee, coffee research and development of new varieties of drought-tolerant and pest a high state of Minas Gerais are tested, and the results are good. The variety called Acauã Novo, is Sarchimor and Mundo Novo variety of hybrids, is the result of nearly 40 years of continuous research project. Despite the lack of rainfall in 2014, but did not exhibit Acauã Novo beans anything about the problem of poor results, and the yield is very good. This new breed is highly pro-gaze coffee growers, especially in the most arid cerrado areas. 
    ABIC coffee refurbishment projects to promote 
    ABIC-- Brazilian Coffee Roasters Association, are raising funds to member companies to launch a new marketing campaign to promote domestic certification on coffee purity. An advertising company has been hired to coordinate the project at the World Cup after publicity, mainly in professional journals, digital media and cable TV. Coffee purity certification is a broad project by the Brazilian Coffee Roasters Association, founded 25 years ago, it shows that the package contains only certified coffee annually, baking associations will gather more than 2000 samples of coffee, in high-tech labs where do tests to uphold the purity of the coffee.

    Sustainable use of Brazilian coffee grounds Nescafe factory 
    Located in the town of Sao Paulo state araras Nestle instant coffee plant is using coffee grounds to produce energy for their plants. The decision saves 25% of its total energy consumption. About 97% of the coffee grounds using compression method to reduce the moisture generated in the processing and sawdust mixed for Boiler and steam as its main area of ​​the plant. The remaining coffee grounds used synthetic fertilizers. 
    Sharp decline in sales of agricultural machinery 
    Agricultural machinery factory is experiencing a difficult period, especially in the mechanical harvesting stage. Sales in January to May of grain harvesters fell 25%, to 2,559 units. Sales of tractors are also affected: Until May only sold 21,800 units, up 2013 fell 18%. 
    Secret Coffee Market Funds 
    Just recently experienced Arabica coffee market is very characteristic, due to the sharp fluctuations in the price of the New York Stock Exchange. Views on this issue, we hope to reveal the main reason for this volatility generated: by investing in the coffee market funds manipulated contracts.
    The fund acts have a lot of criticism. Critics believe that the fund stood opposite growers and non-compliance with market principles to make coffee prices plummeted. These funds have even been accused of being able to manipulate the market. 
    It is necessary to Secret Fund, which is non-human or evil entity. Market fund is a reserve financial investors, it is able to fund investors are invested in financial products and hire a manager to operate and make investment decisions on their behalf. In other words, it is market funds and no self-control or management misconduct. Its market position is sometimes buy coffee contracts sometimes sell these contracts, it is the professional managers, the results of the individual or others deliberate decisions. 
    Consideration to that of a manager is to operate these funds, then he / she must take rational decisions to investors under the responsibility of his / her pursuit of the best rewards for those who put money. Good fund managers will always put their bets on the market up to seek the best returns for their investors. It is true that when fund managers in decision making process, is not concerned about the views of the coffee growers. But it is worth asking: When the coffee plantations were made ​​to hold coffee, decided to stop planting coffee or grow more coffee, whether the performance of fund managers had any concerns? 
    Brazilian coffee growers of individual products can not affect the global coffee products, the same way, decisions taken by individual fund managers can not shake the market alone. There are a lot of funds on the market, making it impossible to control the price of collaboration among funds. But sometimes when this happens, and that is their raw material for the same information, or to take a similar approach. This is the so-called herd behavior. 
    But in this case the most relevant is the fund manager's investment options, investment managers have a lot on coffee and their investments are not limited to coffee. The fund invests in coffee contracts are usually agricultural funds. Fund managers can invest in any of the futures products, such as cocoa, corn, sugar, cotton, or other. 
    If a fund manager believes the cocoa market revenue will be higher than under the current circumstances when the coffee market, the manager will reduce investment in coffee and cocoa to increase investment, this is because the fund for investment is limited. If this is widely expected in the market, then the investment will be very few buyers of coffee, coffee prices will fall. A similar situation may also occur in the opposite result cocoa market. For this there is any evil place it? Whether this is the right general market intervention excuse?
    Coffee growers and traders tend to be confined to the coffee market analysis up and down the basic level. Their approach is correct, but they criticized the fund behavior must also be considered relevant and prices of other agricultural products. 
    Fund managers also face competition from other market areas, such as currency, forex, stocks, gold, metals and other commodities. If investors want to increase their investments in the money market, they may quit agricultural funds. This might affect the coffee market, because the fund manager will have to sell some of the contracts in order to have sufficient funds for its clients back now. 
    Finally, once the fund behavior and their mode of operation is Secret, then it is worth mentioning that the flow of resources to bring to market them as benefits. They exist on the market level to ensure that a certain number of transactions, which raises the possibility of a permanent presence of a buyer or seller is willing to reach a deal. In other words, they contribute to pricing, ie, they ensure that the prices will be the result of a lot of transaction (and opinions) of. This tends to better reflect the basic principles of the market.

    PINHALENSE efficient and sustainable development of the bucket elevator 
    Importance: hoist is generally considered non-critical components when buying coffee processing equipment, they focus only on the choice of equipment on. This is a very big mistake, because lifting poor design machines and the wrong choice can damage the machine, causing damage to coffee beans, increasing energy consumption and the negative impact of the overall plant performance. Customers often complain that their equipment performance is not ideal, but once verified, Pinhalense had to explain to customers the origin of the problem is a non Pinhalense hoist result, they can not accurately feed and regulatory capacity, or will damage the beans and cause errors blamed on the device, and so on. 
    Design: enhance the design and manufacture of machines requires specialized skills and technology, and fine product development and field trials, especially when the product is delivered of coffee. Manufacture and supply of coffee hoist more challenging than other products because of the higher value of coffee and coffee can cause physical damage to major price losses. In addition, the coffee business margin is very small, which makes the coffee processing efficiency in every aspect is particularly critical. 
    In addition to using the most poorly designed market or low-tech elevator, there is a mistake is the use of grain elevators, the speed of the hoist is much higher than acceptable speed processing of coffee. These hoists to handle the lack of specific features from freshly picked fruit to export high-quality beans whole process chain appear different coffee products. 
    Specific coffee: Pinhalense for each stage of the supply coffee processing specially designed hoist. Fresh fruit, wet shell beans, dried beans with impurities, beans and quality of different sizes triggered by the need for a different design challenges that require hoist must have special features, such as perforation of the bucket and base seat, gently into the hopper discharge opening low friction, self-cleaning devices. Pinhalense coffee product and the specific processing conditions with a variety of pulley. When good Pinhalense gives the entire production line design or offer stand-alone, the table names are these coffee hoist elected according to specific needs. Many times, in response to a specific processing needs, even for the same project or plant, hoist not the same. 
    Self-cleaning: a major competitive advantage Pinhalense shell bean processing equipment is self-cleaning elevator, it can in the processing of different batches of coffee, when the product is transformed without clean hoist. However, the coffee processing plants often different quality coffee, due to the diversity of product sources, such as specialty coffee, small batches of coffee, coffee certification, traceability coffee, coffee has been a sharp increase in species of plants in now . Plant capacity can be increased at the same time also requires more flexibility. In order to efficiently process large batches and small batches of coffee, a modern processing plant had fast conversion products, this requirement is not possible with conventional hoist. 
    When coffee product changes, the base of each hoist have to use a cumbersome, time-consuming way to thoroughly clean. If you do not do the cleaning, different batches and quality products will be confused, production can not measure, traceability will not be achieved. These are occurring in a traditional plant problems. Pinhalense self-cleaning elevator to ensure that: Even processed coffee species has changed, there is no need to clean the elevator base. Thus avoiding the loss of time between batches. Such hoist use greatly improved the efficiency of the coffee plant, because eliminating a lot of downtime. 
    Sustainability: Pinhalense worker safety is always the main concern in the design of the machine itself and the equipment layout (product flow) in. Escalators and aisles Pinhalense have belt guard and other security facilities, coffee processing plant will be equipped with safety bars all equipment factory, plant equipment layout within the operating personnel in order to ensure free and visitors, etc., Disability Access will take into account equipment, upgrading the minimum safe distance from the machine and other components. On the other hand, Pinhalense by the process, each type of coffee or batch variation, the base of the elevator in real time to clean, thereby reducing and avoiding the need for the workers to work at heavy unhealthy environment. 
    Conclusion: Whenever you buy Pinhalense full set of processing machines and plant systems, and each system is dedicated elevator, are carefully selected and tailored to the specific needs of lifting equipment and machine feeding and special requirements you can rest assured that use. Do not use the advanced equipment that might be Pinhalense adversely affect the performance of the elevator, in order to avoid risk.

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