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  • Coffee And Health - Strong Coffee Could Be Good For Your Teeth2014-07-17

    Tag:Healthy Living

    Coffee And Health - Strong Coffee Could Be Good For Your Teeth
    MILAN- Drinking strong coffee on a regular basis could help to keep the teeth clean and healthy, suggests s study. But the coffee must be drunk without milk, cream or sugar as these will have a counterproductive effect, scientists say. 

    A research by Rio de Janeiro’s Federal University, published in the journal of Applied Microbiology, examined the impact of an extract of Coffea canephora – known as robusta – on milk teeth.
    Researchers cultivated biofilms on fragments of milk teeth, donated to research by children, using bacteria in saliva.
    The findings of the study showed that the bean helped to destroy a film of bacteria found on milk teeth, which subsequently prevented the formation of plaque.
    Lead researcher on the project, Andrea Antonio, said that the findings of the study are important because plaque is a major cause of gum disease and decay and any compound or substance that is found to combat the formation of plaque is beneficial.
    Professor Antonio explained that the bean helps to fight decay because it contains polyphenols, which break down films of bacteria, this reducing the risk of plaque forming.
    Professor Antonio said that the results of the study were interesting, but he was quick to point out that it is not advisable to consume strong coffee on a frequent basis.
    It is hoped that in future the chemical could be extracted and added to toothpastes or mouthwash to help reduce plaque, as drinking coffee still has harmful side effects on teeth such as staining.


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